ENLIGHTRepository of Good Practices on Research Impact

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Understanding Research Impact

Research Impact Glossary. Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA)


Impact Narrative Tool

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Higher Education Institutions’ Policies

Back to Earth: Landing Real-world Impact in Research Evaluation. Elsevier

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Policy Frameworks

Manifesto for a better societal impact evaluation. Michael Oschsner et al. Accountability in Academic Life.

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University of Galway Research Impact Series. Making a meaningful difference to society: An impact literate approach (Julie Bayley. University of Lincoln)

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The repository

IMPACT is at the core of the mission of the European University Alliance ENLIGHT and, as such, one of its main objectives is to promote an impact-based culture within ENLIGHT Universities, including the promotion of a model of good practice of impact-directed management and the integration of impact across Higher Education, Research and Innovation activities.

For that purpose, ENLIGHT research impact team is developing this repository of international good practices on research impact assessment and measurement. This initiative is part of the ENLIGHT RISE project, funded by Horizon 2020 Science With and For Society, and aims at bringing together in a single place good practices of impact assessment and measurement, both in the context of ENLIGHT Universities and worldwide. More specifically, this tool aims to raise research impact awareness and literacy, whilst fostering mutual learning and debate between ENLIGHT university academics, staff and external experts around research impact. It is supported by a set of complementary actions developed in the context of the ENLIGHT RISE project.

This repository should be seen as a living tool to be permanently nourished with the different guidelines, studies, analysis, tutorials and other reference sources allowing the ENLIGHT community and all interested experts to advance in their understanding, knowledge and work on research impact. Should you wish to help us in further developing the repository, please contact us here.

All sources included in this repository should be seen and understood in their specific academic, scientific, regional and historical context. There are no “one size fits for all” solutions and perfect methodologies, approaches, policy frameworks or strategic plans to promote research impact.

Do you need more information about our ENLIGHT impact-related work?

Please contact us here.