ENLIGHT is organising its second Impact Conference, gathering international impact experts, practitioners, academics and management staff to share and extend progress on the topic of impact in the university context. The Conference will focus on integrating impact into all facets of university missions, including education, research, innovation and service to society. Through the lens of an impact-driven university model, participants will explore strategies for breaking down silos, promoting collaboration and embedding impact into their daily work.
The ENLIGHT Impact Conference will be the fora to:
Explore institutional approaches and strategies to embedding impact across higher education, training, research, and societal engagement.
Discuss methods and tools for planning, assessing and maximising the impact of university activities.
Showcase impactful university initiatives and learn from good practices.
Examine how European University Alliances are generating impact and transforming the European Education Area.
Facilitate networking and collaboration among impact experts, practitioners, academics and management staff.
Join us in Groningen on 27-28 March 2025
and meet our ENLIGHT Impact Ambassadors!
Impact Pitch Rehearsal
⚲ Academy Building, Senaatskamer
For ENLIGHT Impact Award Nominees
Speakers Briefing
⚲ Academy Building, Room A7
For Moderators, Facilitators and Speakers
Speakers Dinner. Restaurant Florentin (speakers only)
Welcome Session
⚲ Academy Building, Aula

Philippe Moretto
Vice-President for Transitions and Societal Dialogue. ENLIGHT rotating presidency. University of Bordeaux. France.

Jakob Klompien
Special Envoy. Ministry of International Affairs / Province of Groningen. The Netherlands.
Keynote Speech
⚲ Academy Building, Aula
Impact In, On and Beyond the University
Breaking down the walls between education and research, disciplines, academia and society.

Igor Campillo
ENLIGHT Impact Task Force. Director of Euskampus Foundation. University of the Basque Country. Spain.

Thomas Alslev Christensen
Senior Vice President Societal Impact. Novo Nordisk Foundation. Denmark.
Coffee Break
Roundtable Discussion 1
⚲ Academy Building, Aula
Universities Working With and For Society
In this session good examples of higher education, research and societal engagement activities with impact on ENLIGHT flagship domains will be presented. Speakers will introduce their impact pathway and give evidence of the impact generated, showing how this impact has been assessed, communicated, and managed.

Glória Nunes Rodrigues
ENLIGHT Impact Task Force. International Manager at Euskampus Foundation. University of the Basque Country. Spain.

Maria Hägglund
ENLIGHT Impact Ambassador 2024. Associate Professor in Health Informatics. Participatory eHealth and Health Data research group. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health. Uppsala University & Uppsala University Hospital. Sweden.

Daniela Lud
ENLIGHT Impact Ambassador Team 2024. Prof. for Environmental Assessment and Remediation. Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Germany.

Frederik Verbeke
ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Awardee 2024. Professor at the University of the Basque Country. UPV/EHU. Spain.

Natalie Walsh
ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Awardee 2023. Director of Entrepreneurial Development. University of Galway. Ireland.
Lunch Break
Campfire Session 1. Fostering Impact Literacy
⚲ House of Connections, Grote Markt 21
Nurturing the Knowledge, Competences and Skills for Impact
In this session, different strategies and approaches for fostering impact literacy at universities will be presented and discussed. Discussion will be around the target groups (the who?), the skills needs (the what?), the training, mentoring, coaching approaches (the how?), and on what it is still missing?

Julie Bayley
Research Impact Director. Notheastern University London. United Kingdom
Workshop 1. Planning Impact
⚲ Röling Building, Oude Boteringestraat 18
How to Plan for Impact?
These workshops will provide participants with practical tools and shared insights on designing effective impact pathways using the Impact Planning or the Theory of Change Canvas models. The workshops encourage an interactive environment for peer exchange and practical learning, equipping attendees to develop meaningful impact plans. By the end of the session, participants will walk away with a completed Impact Planning or Theory of Change Canvas and practical strategies to drive impactful initiatives.
Workshop 1.1. How Theory of Change can help you preparing impactful proposals? |
Workshop 1.2. Exploring a pathway to impact approach to planning and tracking research impact |
Coffee Break
Campfire Session 2. Recognising and Rewarding Impact
⚲ House of Connections, Grote Markt 21
How to Recognise and Reward Impact?
In this session, different models and approaches for recognising and rewarding impact at universities will be presented and discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of models focusing on career progression, public and private funding, awards, among others, will be addressed.
Workshop 2. Describing Impact
⚲ Röling Building, Oude Boteringestraat 18
How to Prepare an Impact Narrative?
Participants are expected to gain knowledge and exchange experiences on how to give evidence of and describe the impact of their education, research and societal engagement initiatives.
Workshop 2.1. Using Storytelling to Create a Compelling Impact Narrative |
Workshop 2.2. Researcher Impact Framework: Building Audience-Focused Evidence-Based Impact Narratives
Coffee Break
Campfire Session 3. Stakeholder Engagement
⚲ House of Connections, Grote Markt 21
How to Support Stakeholder Engagement?
There is no impact without stakeholders. Stakeholders should be involved and play a role in the impact pathway early from the inception phase of an initiative. In this session, participants will discuss different approaches for identifying, engaging and managing relationships with stakeholders, be it university or societal stakeholders.
Workshop 3. The Impact Clinic
⚲ Röling Building, Oude Boteringestraat 18
Join this safe space for open exchange on challenges faced by impact agents with the intention of providing community support and peer advice based on our joint experience and expertise.

Anja Smykowski
Manager UMCG Grant Support Hub. Coordinator UMCG impact team. University of Groningen. The Netherlands.

Julie Bayley
Research Impact Director. Notheastern University London. United Kingdom.

Zuzana Lisoňová
Head of Research Project Office. Comenius University Bratislava. Slovakia.
Free Time
Conclusions of Campfire & Participatory Workshop Sessions
⚲ Academy Building, Aula
Bringing Theory Into Practice: Impact-Elevator Pitch
⚲ Academy Building, Aula
The objective of this session is to have short-time presentations (pitches) of impactful case studies in the areas of education, training, research and societal engagement. The pitches are followed by experts’ questions concerning the impact generated and the methodology used to capture that impact, including elements such as impact planning, stakeholder involvement, the communication and management of the impact generated.

Experts Panel

Audrey Sullivan-Reilly
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer. Circle U. University Alliance. United Kingdom.

Impact award nominees
Ane Eguren Ikazuriaga
University of the Basque Country. Spain.
Anne Loohuis
University of Groningen. The Netherlands.
Bettina van Hoven
University of Groningen. The Netherlands.
Douwe van der Tuin
University of Groningen. The Netherlands.
Jessamy A. Fairfield
University of Galway. Ireland.
Julia Berginski
University of Göttingen. Germany.
Cassandra Alighieri
Ghent University. Belgium.
Mikel Iruskieta
University of the Basque Country. Spain.
Muriel Grenon
University of Galway. Ireland.
Nahia Idoiaga Mondragon
University of the Basque Country. Spain.
Olof Lindahl
Uppsala University. Sweden.
Pádraig MacNeela
University of Galway. Ireland.
Mari Vallik
University of Tartu. Estonia.
Sara Lembrechts
Ghent University. Belgium.
Jan Trachet
Ghent University. Belgium.
Coffee break
Roundtable Discussion 2
⚲ Academy Building, Aula
How European University Alliances are bringing about Impact and Transforming the European Education Area
The session will show the transformative power of European University Alliances. The conclusions of the Monitoring Framework for the European Universities Initiative is expected to be shared with participants, and they will have the opportunity to learn and get inspired from real-case testimonies of students, academics, and societal stakeholders who have benefitted of European University Alliances’ work.

Ioana Dewandeler
Policy Officer Higher Education. European Commission – Directorate General for Education and Culture. Belgium. (online)

Jorge Molina Martinez
Project officer. European Research Executive Agency. Belgium. (Online)

Niloofar Hashemi
ENHANCE University Alliance. Germany.

Closing Session & ENLIGHT Impact Awards Ceremony
⚲ Academy Building, Aula

Philippe Moretto
Vice-President for Transitions and Societal Dialogue. In representation of ENLIGHT rotating presidency. University of Bordeaux. France.


Anja Smykowski
Manager UMCG Grant Support Hub. Coordinator UMCG impact team. University of Groningen. The Netherlands.

Audrey Sullivan-Reilly
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer. Circle U. University Alliance. United Kingdom.

Dana Strauss
Head of Network and Cooperation Managment, Managing Director to the Vice-President for University Community and Engagement, University of Jena. Germany.

Daniela Lud
ENLIGHT Impact Ambassador Team 2024. Prof. for Environmental Assessment and Remediation. Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Germany.
Emma Siddall
Coordinator of the Horizon Europe Pillar 02 and EIC. Trinity College Dublin. Ireland.

Frederik Verbeke
ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Awardee 2024. Professor at the University of the Basque Country. UPV/EHU. Spain.

Glória Nunes Rodrigues
International Manager. Euskampus Foundation. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Spain.

Igor Campillo
ENLIGHT Impact Task Force. Director of Euskampus Foundation. University of the Basque Country. Spain.
Ioana Dewandeler
Policy Officer Higher Education. European Commission – Directorate General for Education and Culture. Belgium.

Julie Bayley
Research Impact Director. Notheastern University London. United Kingdom.

Lorenzo Squintani
Professor of Energy Law and Director of the Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate. University of Groningen. The Netherlands.

Maria Hägglund
ENLIGHT Impact Ambassador 2024. Associate Professor in Health Informatics. Participatory eHealth and Health Data research group. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health. Uppsala University & Uppsala University Hospital. Sweden.

Marthe Walvoort
Associate Professor of Chemical Glycobiology & Rector of the Pre-University Academy Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen. The Netherlands.

Natalie Walsh
ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Awardee 2023. Director of Entrepreneurial Development. University of Galway. Ireland.

Sarah Willemsen
Impact Officer, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen. The Netherlands.

Thomas Alslev Christensen
Senior Vice President Societal Impact. Novo Nordisk Foundation. Denmark.

Philippe Moretto

Zuzana Lisoňová
Head of Research Projects Office. Comenius University Bratislava. Slovakia.
ENLIGHT Impact Awards
The ENLIGHT Impact Awards seek to recognize and give visibility to endeavors at ENLIGHT universities that are exemplars in planning for and achieving impact. ENLIGHT will concede six Impact Awards in alignment with its flagship domains identified as key determinants of societal well-being and sustainability.
You can meet the awarded teams and the respective Impact Ambassadors during the ENLIGHT Impact Conference on 28 of March.
Practical information
How to get there
You can take a train directly from Schiphol Airport to Groningen. The train station is directly connected to the airport and can be found after exiting ''arrivals" and following the signs to the underground train platforms. Trains to Groningen generally go every 30 mins. Tickets can be purchased via a ticket machine (found in the airport and on the station) or online via the Nederlandse Spoorwegen ‘NS” website
Arriving at the station, you are within a 15 minute walking distance to the city center. However, if you have a heavy suitcase or bag it may be advisable to take a taxi due to the uneven surfaces of the pavement.
Keep in mind your accomodation, the meeting spaces and the train station are all within a 20 minute walking distance of each other. Yet, if during your stay, you prefer not to walk, you will also be able to rent a bike or take a taxi.
Taking a taxi:
It is possible to take a taxi to your hotel, though it is a pricy option. When exiting the train station, the taxi station is in the left corner
Taking a bus:
Though bus travel around Groningen is possible, the city centre has mainly been closed off for cars and buses, so it is not convenient to travel by bus if your destination is in the centre. Moreover, if you need to, tickets can be purchased on the bus just by using your bank card on the poles onboard (e.g. credit card). To find the optimal bus routes, download the app ‘9292’ or check google maps. If you use your credit card to check in, it is extremely important to check off when getting off the bus. Otherwise your card will remain charged with the maximum amount (10€)
We have ensured preferential rates at the most convenient hotels in the city of Groningen. You can find a complete brochure with all the available options on the right.
We advise you to book your stay in advance as soon as you are able to in order to have guaranteed accomodation.
For any questions, you can contact us at: Impact.ENLIGHT@rug.nl
Contact us
Event Management Team
+31 6 115 845 41
Organisation Team
+34 688 673 824