Enlight Toolkit
Assessing the Impact of Higher
Education Initiatives

The ENLIGHT toolkit is a digital instrument to identify, analyse and assess the impact of Higher Education initiatives. The ENLIGHT toolkit brings together a set of specific tools that in a sequential process allow the assessment of Higher Education initiatives, in alignment with the ENLIGHT methodology for impact assessment.
The objective is to accompany and guide users through the different phases of the impact assessment exercise, providing them with the supporting templates, the questions and clarifications necessary to run that exercise.
The ENLIGHT toolkit has been specially designed for assessing the impact of initiatives and/or activities developed in the context of Higher Education (e.g., education programmes, courses or modules, mobility actions, outreach related activities and/or research initiatives) but it can be used for other types of initiatives outside the academic context.
The toolkit is free, confidential and open to anyone to use; although we expect the primary users to be mainly Impact Managers, Academics, Academic Support Staff and Members of Universities Management Teams.
In order to use the toolkit, save and have later access to the provided information , you will be asked to sign-up to it with an individual profile account. You can run several impact assessment exercises for different action lines in parallel.
The toolkit guides your through the following interlinked sequential phases:
- Purpose setting: why do you want to do the impact assessment and for what purpose?
- Scope definition: what is going to be assessed? and who?
- Data collection & analysis: which quantitative and qualitative data has been analyzed to assess the expected outcomes?

- Assessment: how do you categorise the observed outcomes?
- Communication & Contrast: how are you communicating and constrasting the observed outcomes?
- Management: which strategies are you deploying to manage the identified impacts?
Read more about ENLIGHT and our Impact related work. Here.
About us
IMPACT is at the core of the mission of the European University Alliance ENLIGHT and, as such, and, as such, one of its main objectives is to promote an impact-based culture both within and beyond ENLIGHT universities. This includes the promotion of a model of good practice of impact-directed management and the integration of impact across Higher Education, Research and Innovation activities.
The toolkit for impact assessment of Higher Education Initiatives is one of a number of project outputs of the ENLIGHT impact team to achieve these objectives. It is specifically designed for universities, both within and beyond the ENLIGHT network, who wish to explore the potential impact of their various initiatives.
In the context of the ENLIGHT project, we understand impact as the effects or changes that we can see (demonstrate, measure, capture) on (students, academics, staff, leaders, structures, etc.) and beyond academia (on society, economy, environment, etc.) which happen because of an activity/intervention in/by the Higher Education environment.
Do you need more information about our ENLIGHT impact-related work?
Please contact us here.
Get Started
In order to run the impact assessment, save and have later access to the provided information, you will be asked to sign-up to the ENLIGHT toolkit with an individual profile account.